Digital Inclusion

We are trailblazers in digital inclusion addressing key skills that are needed in the digital age.

Did you know that almost 1 in 2 adults in Ireland lack basic digital skills?

Basic Digital Skills are required for:

  • online shopping and banking
  • doing online courses
  • connecting with friends and family
  • finding a job
  • being safe online

Are you a Community Education provider?

Help learners in your community get online!

To join our growing network of 50+ Digital Champions across Ireland – or to find out about what is involved – email us at

FREE Digital Skills Training

Help learners in your community get online!

We are inviting community organisations across Ireland to get in touch with us to learn about our resources and tools to help in their work supporting adults developing their digital skills.
To make an appointment, email, phone 01 462 8488, or drop into our reception at Kiltalown Village Centre, Tallaght, D24 R3PN.

We are calling for communities across Ireland to join our Get Yourself Online campaign.

Get Yourself Online is aimed at equipping community organisations and community educators to deliver digital skills training to adults to build their confidence and capacity in the use of digital skills.

We believe that having basic digital skills is critical to supporting lifelong learning, active citizenship, employability and inclusion.

We hope that enabling adult learners currently lacking basic digital skills to get online confidently and safely will help Ireland reach the European Union target of 80% of adults with digital skills by 2030.*

Through our network of 226 partners, we hope our Get Yourself Online campaign will reach thousands of adult learners across the country with events taking place to raise awareness and help adults get online confidently and safely.

An Cosán’s holistic, learner-centered approach puts you, the learner, at the heart of all we do. We provide ‘a place of hearth and home’ and know that our learners’ basic needs must be met before they can excel in their studies

The Shanty Educational Project Limited , Registered Charity No. 8659, Registered Company No. 131383, Charity Regulator Number 20021528. Design by imprint